Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am a terrible human being, with absolutely no prospects.

The title of the post is supposed to, in some warped way, branch into an apology. I read once that people are more likely to forgive another person when said person apologizes using self deprecating terminology. This gives the other person a since of power, making them feel as if they are orchestrating the entire apology, and then they feel they have things in their control (which is probably why the fight started in the first place, most fights birthed from a power struggle between either opponent); the person feels as if all of their conflicts have been solved and then the object of their frustrations morphs into a sad, sweet martyr who honestly is trying to change. Generally, all of this is a sack of monkeys, because the other person usually is just manipulating them so they won't have to sleep on the couch for another weekend.

With all of that being said, here it goes: I am a lazy, lying, ruthless, evil, and cowardly moron. There. Are you feeling sorry for me now? Really? Good. Because here comes phase two: the explanation.

I know I haven't posted for....well, let's not go there. I could make up some grand excuse that would probably have something to do with not having enough time, being so busy, having a crisis happen, etc, etc. But the fact of the matter is, I'm just incredibly lazy. Really, I am. And since I am this lazy, instead of giving you nice, detailed, easy-to-read paragraphs outlining everything that has changed since the last post, I am going to list it. Hazzah! Listing is fun! Especially for those whose dominate brain hemisphere is the left one!

So here's for all the lefties:

-Finished school
-Tested for higher level of belt in Tae-kwon-do (this I shall not reveal because, while it was indeed higher, it is still embarrassingly low) and succeeded
-Built porches and re shingled roofs in the soup-like weather that Tennessee has to offer
-Realized that art store job did not work with my schedule (I would be gone for 5 weeks total in the summer), found a new job with great hours, nannying the two sweetest children on earth
-Started volunteering and internship at the hospital
-Misunderstood deadlines and information about personal TB tests, so was forced to resign from volunteering and internship at the hospital
-Started the outdoor club, which is still continuing well
-Did not have enough time for art classes, opted instead for a week of class at the local liberal arts college (took a class in acrylics!)
-Read Edgar Sawtelle
-Annotated Edgar Sawtelle
-Chose extended definition essay topic question to revolve around bioethics
-Researched and completed essay
-Took a trip to the mountains of North Carolina (where I found an official illustrated reprint of Clemens' Huckleberry Finn for eight dollars at an antique store)
-Began phone calls for the club I hope to build, 'Urban Artisans'
-Got rained out while camping
-Returned home
-Updated blog

There it is. Sad? Perhaps. But it is indeed the truth. I still have the planner. The big, industrial planner. I do recommend planners, by the way, because while my life was going up in shambles, it went so in a very organized chaos. All thanks to my big, black, industrial planner. So three cheers for planners!

Now, I really must be going, because I have a very important appointment that I must keep (seeing the new movie Despicable Me because, yes, I do enjoy family movies and little yellow henchman with large goggles).

I really don't know what more to say. Except, however, that you absolutely MUST visit this blog:

One of my greatest friend writes it, and she is genius. So go, appreciate!

And please forgive the lazy, festering meatloaf that I am.
Still feeling sorry?
I'll get the sheets.



  1. I am a genius! Thank you for noticing.
    Can't wait for your next post! Keep up the verbose humor dear-you make it work! :D

  2. I like how it goes from February to July.
